Technology Episodes

March 29, 2021

Advantages of Interim or Fractional CIOs

What part-time CIO work is, who it's right for, and how to find the right opportunity
May 10, 2021

Are Distributed Teams Lower Risk?

Ryan's new Mac, rethinking business continuity, & new gadgets
May 17, 2021

Joining the Dots for Digital Inclusion

Freddie Quek, CTO at Times Higher Education, explains the movement to eradicate digital poverty in the UK and how IT leaders can get involved.
Guest: Freddie Quek
Aug. 23, 2021

Building a Map to Navigate Digital Challenges in Policing

Wardley mapping, IT challenges in policing, and the importance of getting things done
Sept. 27, 2021

Business Process Automation for Better CX

In today's digital-first world, automating business processes is key to delivering better customer experiences.
Guest: Sean Sadler
Nov. 8, 2021

Disrupting Disruption-How Businesses Are Recovering from Pandemic Effects

This week, Ryan interviews Shammah Banerjee, Senior Editor at Nimbus Ninety, about the state of business recovery 18 months in to the pandemic.
Dec. 20, 2021

Increasing Employee Happiness with Proactive Digital Workspace Strategies

This week, Ryan swaps stories with Mike Schumacher, founder of Lakeside Software. They discuss how the digital workspace has evolved, the importance of the endpoint, and the value of adopting proactive tools and processes.
Jan. 11, 2022

Power Problems

This week, Ryan and Heather chat about wildlife vacations, living with scheduled power outages, and the impact of SaaS on enabling remote work.
Jan. 25, 2022

Could the Xbox Be a Work Device?

This week, we discuss Microsoft's metaverse plays, writing at work, and four-day workweek experiments.
Feb. 14, 2022

"Back to Office" Isn't Living Up to Employees' Expectations

Employees expect the in-office side of hybrid work to help foster culture, collaboration, and higher productivity--but that isn't always happening. This week, Ryan and Heather discuss how office workers are feeling about their workspaces in 2022.
Feb. 21, 2022

Tips for a Better Remote Onboarding Experience

This week, Ryan and Heather chat about their recent remote onboarding experiences and addressing challenges like building your network, constructing onboarding plans, and more.