Freddie Quek, CTO at Times Higher Education, explains the movement to eradicate digital poverty in the UK and how IT leaders can get involved.
In today's highly digitalized world, exclusion from digital devices, education and support puts individuals at a significant disadvantage. In this episode, Freddie Quek shares information about a growing initiative to address digital inclusion for all, starting with school children. He's calling on UK tech leaders and organisations to help with #joiningthedots through tactical and strategic solutions to create sustainable change.
Six action areas to join the dots:
If you are interested in getting involved or sharing information about existing programmes, contact Freddie at freddie@timeshighereducation.com or on LinkedIn at https://uk.linkedin.com/in/freddiequek
For more information, following along at https://uk.linkedin.com/company/digitalinclusion
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Ryan Purvis 0:00
Hello, and welcome to the digital workspace works podcast. I'm Ryan Purvis, your host supported by producer Heather Buckner. In this series, you'll hear stories and opinions from experts in the field story from the frontlines, the problems they face and how they solve them. The years they're focused on from technology, people and processes to the approaches they took, they will help you to get to grips with the digital workspace inner workings.
So welcome Freddie to the digital workspace week's podcast. Do you want to give us a bit of an introduction to who you are and how you got involved in the digital inclusion joining the dots initiative?
Freddie Quek 0:43
Okay, Ryan, thanks for having me. Freddie Quek, Chief Technology Officer at Times High education. So in my day job, I'm sort of a tech leader and for many years started in publishing. And the last six years, I have had the opportunity to be in a number of different industries from travel loyalty, insurance, FinTech, automotive, and now to higher education. So that's my backgrounds and it leader for many years. And how I get involved in this joining the dots. So earlier this year, in January 2021, it started with a conversation with one of the IT leaders group, and very quickly, it grew to nine of those communities that I'm part of speaking to know at least 60 liters, one to one, right. So those nine communities if I may give them a shout out. Yeah, you know, includes the UT IT leaders, horizon CIO network seat, which is a charity IT leaders, charity, cio water cooler, hot topics, computing, tech monitor, charity, IT leaders, and last but not least, the VCs. So these nine tech communities represent 90,000 tech professionals. Right. And joining the dots is just a solid connected federation of communities and organizations who share the same vision and passion to address digital inclusion for all in the UK. Yeah, and it started last year, in October, when I was approached by seed, you know, one of the charities, and it's a Friday, could you help us to raise some raise the profile raise some money for three schools in the northeast, which is very, which is sort of the most deprived part of the UK. And, of course, and every buddy, I reached out to it from social media to want to watch as everybody says the same thing. Yeah, of course. But then when we started the campaign, we can really raise enough money, all that is attention, but it's not enough to go find out too. You know, I'm not talking about picking up 150 laptops, it's not at all right, 150 devices. And this is where we started asking the question, but why? What is it that's difficult to solve this problem? And the more I talked with, one obvious response came about was, how do we help? Where do we started? How do we help? And this is why, you know, from speaking with one person, one community to across my own community, which is now suddenly realized that everybody sees the same issue says challenge, but nobody quite know how to take the second step. The first step is the easiest part, which by the way, again, from this, this six weeks study, we realized that everybody does in the most obvious place, we think, right, we donate some money, and we think the problem can be solved. But actually, it's much harder than that. Because, you know, raising money is not easy. And also trying to not solve this problem in a more holistic and systematic way. doesn't go find out whether it's like, you know, when you see somebody on the street, and you throw them a few coins, it doesn't really help them does it? Right. So I think society leaders will be brought out to be So strategy while thinking breaking problems down into small chunks to solve. You know, this is why we all ready to get I say, surely there must be a better way of looking at this problem, and also a better way of solving this problem.
Ryan Purvis 4:04
100%, right. Your analogy of the beggar on the street is so true. I'm in Joburg at the moment, we got a beggar that's nearby us that we see every day. We give them something every day. And but we're not solving his problem. And for every one that I see of him, there's hundreds 1000s. And they all want you know, some of them don't want to work. But some of them do want to work but there's not enough work to give them or them with the skills. I think this is kind of similar. How do you get someone into going back to the digital world? How do you scale them up? And I think we got to thank COVID to an extent that has pushed people the level up of knowledge of of, you know what was possible 10 years ago. Now everyone's comfortable that they can do a team's resume call us everyone but the good majority whereas used to be a finite amount of people that could do that, and usually inside a big corporate. So yeah, I think I think this is very admirable. And I'm hoping that it works.
Freddie Quek 4:59
Thank you And this is not just, you know me alone, right? I think every one of us, you know, as I say in the IT leaders, communities, each one of us either we are a parent or a leader, we realize that, you know, there must be a better way of doing this. And I think what is clear is you're no single person, or even organization, let's say we talk about the government, they can't do it on your own, not a single person on the street to solve it on their own. But the point of joining the dots is that but together, if we all do our bit, we can get there. And together, if we are able to just understand who is doing what, then we stand a better chance of solving the problem by not exactly duplicating the effort, but being a bit more focused on what we can do. So if you don't mind, I'm going to share with you the findings from the six weeks here, because from the most obvious place, which is to just help with donating equipment and money, right, which is where everybody starts from, we found that there are at least five other areas that we need to pay attention to. So it's not painting a broader picture, right? So you know, the one of the the second action area is around technical support. So if you get the device in the hand of a child or of a teacher of a support staff, it they are not equipped with the right support, how can they use the device? Right, so there's a table number two, and by the way, that is currently an area of weakness, because we've not seen enough initiatives out there the equipment donation, is by far the most popular, you know, the BBC has got a the the Daily Mail has got it, you know, they raised 10 point 6 million in three weeks by celebrities. So and we count more than 70 of those initiatives. But tech support, it becomes very complicated, right? Because it will get the myriad of devices out there from laptops, desktops, to tablets, and the different operating systems and the different manufacturers, right, even as it as it leaders in organizations, we have a very simple policy, you don't reuse, you just replace, right? You only standardize on certain things. But look at how we're solving the problem, where we're donating all this that we don't need, which is therefore multiple types. And then we expect schools and children to handle them. How's this? How's that not a problem? You see the beginning of a much bigger problem there. Right? The second area, if you look at action area number three is around digital skills and online education. Right. So the hope of getting a device is that you need to be able to get an online education for children. It is started with, you know, disadvantaged school children. And by the way, according to of Korea, the gap is up to 1.8 million riders. So you know, right? And according to
Ryan Purvis 7:46
time when you say 1.8 million, what do you mean
Freddie Quek 7:48
that 1.8 million children that has no access to devices for school, right? And if you look at what the Department of Education The government is doing, they're providing 1.3 million, right? So if you don't see those two numbers, you will think that Wow, it's a big number is sob. But if you use those two as the way to analyze the gap, we're talking about this between four to 500,000. that's missing, right? Then if you look at some of the big initiatives out there, like the Daily Mail program, initiative, where they raised 10 point 6 million in three weeks, do you know how many equipment does that money get you calculated based on the department education? calculation, maybe you're getting between 30 to 50,000? devices? So if you put everything into context, is solving Well, 10% Best of the problem? Right? And on top of that you currently have close to a million children that is using a mobile device for school and I mean, their mobile phone. Right? So all these things are very complicated, complex situation. Right. So anyway, that's the third area about digital skills, just being able to give them the right skills to be able to use zoom, and all those things. Yeah. And therefore is around tech career opportunities. So this is including apprenticeship, mode, mentoring, work placements, career talks, and by far, this is one area where many IT leaders and professionals have told me is that this is one area that they can help the electrical, they would like to be able to offer one day, a week or a few days a month, or how many hours a year. But how do we harness all that? That goodwill in a way that can give it to the people that need right? Many people are doing apprenticeship program, many people are doing mentoring program many people are doing the socrata varizen is one of them. You know, they have a really flexible CSR program. And we're working with them right now. They have actually done career talks for one particular community in the UK in London, right? And then the question is, is it they have done it already? Why can we then scale it up and expose it to everybody else who needs it? Right so you can see that on both sides, both the individual as well as the CO Initiative's there's lots of things out there that we don't really know enough about how do we find a way to bring them together and make people aware? This is why we call it joining the dots. Right. So to finish off, actually, right, number five is communications. Right communications, as you know, is about socializing and mobilizing. So Part one is we want to socialize what we know today so that we don't start from scratch versus let's just donate equipment. Right, we want to start from the position now that we know there are six areas, what can we do to help in one of many of those six areas? Right, right. And then the second part is mobilize, how do we get people who are interested to help to help in the most effective way? Because if we are not careful, guess what, we will all end up doing the same thing again, which is let us start another campaign to build a website to to have some donation thing and this I see that happening. So we already have more than 70? Should we continue to add on to it? Or should we just say let's leave it to those who is doing very well and focus our attention somewhere else.
Ryan Purvis 10:56
Yeah, cuz that's where I got involved. Where I'm in this started for me was that there was something there was some level of sorting out or harmonizing all these initiatives into one umbrella program. Yeah, maybe your portfolio of projects. Because, you know, as a person who's got some time available, not necessarily some rules, some resources available here, please get involved with mentoring or happy to help with some sort of design, you know, use my skills, whatever. But it was always difficult to pick the one to join, or get involved. And if
Freddie Quek 11:27
you're part of a community that you and I are a puddle is very hard for that community to commit to one right, because how do they know that's the right thing, because nobody has done enough to say this is the right thing, which is why, you know, I did start thinking that is where we get to, but because of the fact that when I talk to you know, people like yourself and others, we realized that actually, if we find ways to tie them up better, maybe we can be more effective. And this is how it's happening. So for example, with action, everyone in human provisioning this week, so we will be so signposting so one of the outputs want to do is to just signpost, first our own communities about how we as individual IT leaders, or as the community that were part of, or as the organization we go for, what can we do not based on this information to do something about it? Right. So this week, we would like to get the message that actually by working with the Prince's Trust the business in the community, they have a natural program called natural business Response Network, which is about mobilizing businesses to help locally how to, you know, because that's how you can scale, right? So you really have a tech appeal platform. Why do we need to build another one, right. So this is why I was basically socializer message. And if you're an IT leader, and today, you're thinking of doing something, and you have not started, guess what, this might be a good place for you to start, because we are all joining forces to create a rolling program of collecting donations that we can then mobilize and use it to the various specific initiatives. So as I mentioned, one of the charities called seed, which is society for entrepreneurial education and development, they actually have a program for three schools in the northeast, right. And the idea here is that being IPD, that we want to have a more end to end solution, let it be a PLC that we test on not just about providing the equipment, but providing support, providing skills. So it's joining up with Stan learning to give them a bit of skills. Also with cyber safety, cyber security. So make it more holistic. And if we can get it to work for three schools, then we scale up to the tech cluster, which is the knobbies cluster, and then maybe that becomes a model that we can scale to other parts of the UK.
Ryan Purvis 13:39
Yeah, cuz I think that's Wales and ask you about how do you measure success? You mentioned those numbers of 1.8 million 1.3 million, but but I guess there's a level of coverage as well. You know, does this does this work in England? Does it work in Scotland, Ireland, etc. So
Freddie Quek 13:52
so so on the front, you know, when I started this, and I spent six weeks I only probably cover a microbe part of the landscape, right? And it's not possible for me to keep going, I have a day job, but what is really good is that because of again, connecting, you know, with other organizations, so there is now the emergence of a new organization called Digital poverty Alliance. And this is being put together as a national approach to bringing all the initiatives together, which I think is amazing, because what is really lacking right now is somebody pulling it all together and doing the signposting at the sub national level that what we are doing right now, which is very, very sort of narrow and tiny, right. And of course, you know, you will be asked what is this is this yet another organization is trying to bring it all under one umbrella, you know, and this is what you'll find, right? It's either people say there's nothing out there or people will say that How come you know another one is trying to do something? But of course, you got to look at the facts right. What is good about this is that this has been driven by the ITT right institution for Engineering and Technology. Together, we also I believe the BCS with the learning Foundation, which is already driving the digital access for all our program, which is to provide a device to all child by 2030. Right, that is something where we are joining the dots with them, right. So that together, we are beginning to join both small things and big things. And that is a big thing that sort of joining up with government, with the grassroots big corporates, this is how we're trying to bring it all together. And the key word here is to get it right. nobody's doing it on their own.
Ryan Purvis 15:34
Yeah, I think it's very important. It's about hours. It's the proper travel work, really. It's looking after all the other people in the village. So what the people that are involved, I mean, what if someone wanted to get in contact with you now? How would they get involved or kind of jumping a bit to the end? But it also sounds like question now in case someone wants to know.
Freddie Quek 15:53
Yeah, very simple. So I'm interested in answering two questions. Yeah, if you're already doing something, please get in touch and share what you know, because part of what I'm doing is to just share how, what what I've covered so far. And again, I saw mentioned about the DPA. So they are working with an organization called PGI, and currently they have undertaken a sort of solve a program of work to create a national landscape of digital poverty in the UK. So that will help us to understand the landscape that will help us to understand the gaps. And that will also help us to see how we can direct effort towards addressing different needs in different places. Today, we already have to, so I really welcome that initiative. And I'm glad that the work that we've been together as part of the NIH communities can contribute towards the effort, right, so get in touch with me to tell me what you're doing. Also get in touch with me if you're interested to help in one of those six areas. And again, to do that, you know, again, one of the communities is building a volunteer app to help us to solve redditor interest or yourself writing so you can offer a few hours a week or a month. How can we capture that on one hand, and also on the other hand, people who says they cannot overhaul WhatsApp in those six areas that will help us to create the beginning of something that allows us to bring the two halves together.
Ryan Purvis 17:10
Now, that's great, I guess I guess everyone needs nowadays not the absolute only solution. But but the easiest way to get in touch. And finite works out there almost like a talk rabbit type solution out of interest, your weaknesses UK centric, but I mean, all the other organizations globally that are doing this, or communities that are worth learning from potentially or sharing these learnings with the US or Europe?
Freddie Quek 17:36
Yeah, so very interesting is that because of my myself or network, I do have friends and ex colleagues in the US and in Europe, and they've got in touch and definitely similar initiatives in the US. And even in Europe. We've also got a few soft collaborators. Here you can see joining the dots, although currently is about a UK Remember, the part of the reason is because we got to break the problem into something that you can solve, right? So we're all in the UK. Why are we not solving our own problem? UK is the world's fifth largest economy, the fact that we have digital poverty, you know, kids with no equipment, we are one year more than one year into COVID. And yet now we know that there's a lot of children with no no no device, as it is how can we not solve that problem? And by the way, I do believe is, is a solvable problem, right? Yeah, if you break it up, those numbers are not horrendous.
Ryan Purvis 18:27
Do you think this is gonna get to the point that you're going to change the education system?
Freddie Quek 18:32
Sorry, what do you mean by changing education?
Ryan Purvis 18:33
So the current education systems are based on you know, the 1800s. You know, you're basically setting you up to work in a factory. But being digital to an extent means you can be, you know, any place anytime, any device, so more outcomes based as opposed to time served. To an extent, I'm just wondering if you were, I think schools are important purely from a social aspect, I think it's good, that kids need to learn social skills by interacting with each other. But if you were to reduce schools in size and reduce their costs, you can increase the equipment that you could provide, because there's the funding that goes to maintain your school would actually go to funding the tools kids need to, to be educated. I'm just wondering if, you know, it's kind of a top of my head thought.
Freddie Quek 19:21
Yeah, I think, you know, again, this is a huge topic in terms of, you know, how education can be and should be different. But I think what is clear, right, is that in this digital world, this is why this this is all about digital inclusion, right? Who nobody should be excluded. So although we started with, with school children and disadvantaged school children, but when we look at the other spectrum, what about the pensioners? What about the ones that are adults? We've got no skills and right now because everything is digitalized? Unless you're able to have digital means that means that those people are excluded. How do we now end up with another situation whereby people are being asked CUDA without them knowing, you know, because they will not brought along this journey. And this is why if I made this opportunity to, for example of how joining the dots is making sure that people are aware of some of the information out there so that you don't duplicate or replicate, but you can help to make it happen sooner. So for example, you know, one of the issues with equipment provisioning is that even when you get the device to the child or to the intended recipient, the next problem is that, do they have the means to have a data plan? Do they have the means to have connectivity? That is yet another problem? So how do we solve that in a more holistic way? Right? Right, because suddenly, you're opening a can of worms from trying to solve one problem, which is, let me just donate a few pounds by a device to Oh, now I got to solve connectivity or to solve training or the soft skills, where does it start? And where does it end is very complex. So this is why we got to break it down. And why I brought this up, because the good things Foundation, together with nomina, they have just, in last two weeks make a big announcement that they will help to solve data poverty, right. So they have a data poverty initiative, whereby they want to find a way where people who need data will have data through a number of different means, either from donation or from gifting or like all you and I, we have unused data each month, they can be rolled into a bank database that can be redistributed. So these are great ideas. And there is an example whereby they have a target to address ending data poverty by 2024. Right? This is a good idea. And this is why I want people to know if you're aware of this, and you want to solve a problem, don't solve that problem. Solve other problems. But if you think and help them and this is appeal to all the big telecoms company, if you want to help with this with the good things Foundation, and normally and help them solve their problem faster than 2024.
Ryan Purvis 21:59
So far away,
Freddie Quek 22:00
yeah, exactly. It's too far away. Right. But I think we are smarter body, we can make it sooner.
Ryan Purvis 22:06
No, you're right. Yeah.
Freddie Quek 22:08
And that's why Ryan, thank you for for this opportunity call. This is our way of getting the message out to at least up IT leaders communities as a starting place. And if it gets to other communities, that's great, right, but we would like to make sure that all these things, one of the problems that we're solving here is not unique to any individual, sort of population or individually, because that is the great thing about technology, right? It can be solved, it can be solved for a lot of people, and we know how to do that properly.
Ryan Purvis 22:35
So you've been doing this now for a couple of months. Now, what are the success stories you can talk about? If they are any one one comes to mind, but
Freddie Quek 22:42
Well, I mean, so many, just, for example, knowing the being able to share the information will be about digital poverty Alliance, about the data poverty program, about the night communities coming together about this sort of inhuman provisioning, that we can get all the IT leaders to start doing something about. I mean, there's so many, which is why I'm so grateful for the communities I'm part of, you know, I've been blown away by by what our communities are doing. Because as I said many times, this is not about what I'm doing. It's about what we're trying to do. And what I'm doing here is my tiny bit database, I have a background in research. I'm a qualified researcher. So that gives me some of the tools and also the the courage and also the approach of talking to people to get information. Right. And that's part one, but Part Two has to be about how do we then mobilize all these leaders out there who say they want to do something?
Ryan Purvis 23:38
Yeah. Yeah, I think we all we always all willing, we just need an easy way to do it.
Freddie Quek 23:42
Yeah. Yeah, if you make it easier, then people will do it. Otherwise, it's not something you can afford to do, right.
Ryan Purvis 23:49
Yep. Now you get to be mentioned an app. Is that is that coming this year? Do you think was that still down the road?
Freddie Quek 23:55
Yes. So So again, the one of the community members, this is the C charity, they are working on a an app right now. So I'm hoping that they might be available in in the next four weeks or so? Because, right, yeah, right. It's fantastic. The pace speed is key here, right? We need to make sure that whatever we do, will start to become further reaching than what it is today, and also faster than what is happening today. Right? Because as I say, we have now one year to copy this to children that has pretty much been deprived of education. Right. And if you have seen the deck that I've shared before, right, you'll find that you know, the impact or not the individual, it is also the impact on society. You know, there was one research that shows that it will impact society by 65 years. I mean, those are horrendous numbers.
Ryan Purvis 24:46
Well, that's one of the biggest worries by COVID is the education impact on the kids. Not not attending school. But as you said, you know, these little things not being at not being able to use a device means when they start the workforce will If the jobs are really so far behind, that's why it's great to start with the kids. But as you also said, it's it's all levels, all ages that have been excluded and bringing them in. I mean, I met a guy yesterday, he wasn't more than 40. He said, He says he never used a smartphone, he only uses one of those old Nokia phones, and he's nervous to try the new phones. I mean, we probably laugh at it, because we use those sort of phones every day. But he needed someone to sit with him is it you know, it's obviously it's a confidence problem. And capability problem, but also, you know, someone has to take the time to mentor him and coach him to be okay with exploring these new things. So
Freddie Quek 25:41
that's the key. Right. So now, how do we find a way to talk to her? because on one hand, now, we know that there are many IT leaders and professionals who are willing to offer help like this, because we're more than capable of doing that. And we want to, and on the other hand, how do we reach out to those individuals out there today
that needs help? What is that mechanism for doing that? Right, that is something that we have to work it out somehow, right?
Ryan Purvis 26:04
Yeah, yeah. That is the question. I think there's there's probably many answers to the question, which is, which is key to what you're doing? You're putting out a post on LinkedIn every so often. Is that is that something good for people to follow as well?
Freddie Quek 26:17
Yes. So that Thank you. So we need to find a way to play out the information gathering, right. And one of the ways is, by creating a page on LinkedIn, it's called linkedin.com, slash company slash, digital inclusion. So hopefully, it's quite easy to get to. And if you get there and you just, you know, follow us, then that is how you will get, you know, the weekly posting that is applied, we want to post at least weekly, to share information on what we know today. Right. And very soon, we would like to encourage all the communities to be part of the digital poverty Alliance, because they were doing it under one sort of big umbrella that allows us to share more information or work better together. Yeah.
Ryan Purvis 27:00
Okay. Great. Anything else you want to share with us? We shared quite a lot with us at the moment. So I'm, I'm feeling it's all it's all up today.
Freddie Quek 27:09
So one thing, if I may may say, right now is this year, if you are doing something already, please don't think that because somebody else is already doing it that you stop, just keep doing so and, and well done. And thank you, because there's still so much to be done. So please do so. Doing something already, then please get in touch because then we can at least register your interest, share the information that we have. And hopefully that will help you to decide better for yourself about what you might want to do next.
Ryan Purvis 27:37
Well, my name is Jason, for those that are doing something and you're not aware of it, maybe they need to send that to you as a good story. Because it's a best practice to an extent that that might be worth sharing, or if it is worth sharing.
Freddie Quek 27:49
Yeah. Sounds good. Yeah. anything that we can do to remember, yeah, this is not just out to me. So I would like to make sure that you know, it's IT leaders, please, please contribute in any ways you can get in touch. You know, every every little thing actually matters.
Ryan Purvis 28:07
Yeah, no, I totally agree. Totally agree. Super, so they can get you on LinkedIn. We'll put that into those links into into the show notes. There's the company page for during the dots. Is there an email address or Twitter account or something like that to follow?
Freddie Quek 28:23
Yeah, so so people can get in touch with me. I know my my work email addresses and text to my organization for supporting me to write times education. So my email address is Freddie at times higher education.com
Ryan Purvis 28:35
or net super great stuff. I think I think we ended there. That's fantastic. And let's say let's hope that in any year, so maybe we do a recap and see how those numbers have changed.
Freddie Quek 28:45
Yes, there will be great if we can show that there has been progress made in this area right to go. Thank you.
Ryan Purvis 28:51
Thank you very much. Thank you for listening today's episode. Hey, the big news, our producer editor. Thank you, Heather. for your hard work for this episode. Please subscribe to the series and rate us on iTunes or the Google Play Store. Follow us on Twitter at the DW w podcast. The show notes and transcripts will be available on the website WWW dot digital workspace that works. Please also visit our website www dot digital workspace that works and subscribe to our newsletter. And lastly, if you found this episode useful, please share with your friends or colleagues.
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Freddie Quek is CTO at Times Higher Education, responsible for data-driven products and solutions such as the World Universities Rankings and SDG Impact Dashboard which provides insights into universities’ impact in delivering the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. He is a disruptive, networked and agile leader who thrives in challenging environments and focuses on achieving and celebrating team successes. He is highly experienced and a multiple award-winning global technology leader who has worked in Singapore, US and UK, across automotive, higher education, publishing, loyalty, insurance, travel and financial services industries. As a consequence of Covid-19, he became an ambassador for Project Global Impact.
He started in publishing and has worked for Reed Elsevier (FTSE 100), Wiley (Fortune 500) and Solera (S&P400) as well as various startups. He helped transformed the publishing industry from print to digital, pioneered the use of NoSQL technologies, and achieved large scale agile implementations. He took on an additional dimension to his role to “deal with the unexpected” to execute strategic yet unplanned initiatives to handle merger integrations, partnerships and competitive threats. His team received the IT Project Team of the Year award at the UK IT Industry Awards. He received three Wiley President's Award in 4 years, a Pacesetter Award for delivering a ground-breaking multi-million licensing deal, and MarkLogic’s Customer Excellence award for achieving "Mission Impossible" with its NoSQL technology.
Freddie is a Fellow of…
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