Stephen Russell

Stephen Russell Profile Photo

Making frontline data actionable for managers by revealing hidden risks in projects and teams.

Over a trillion dollars a year is wasted on poor project performance (accroding to the PMI). Hardly surprising when you understand that over 60% of projects are overspent or overdue and less than 20% wholly deliver on their objectives.
Your existing project management tools will report when you're off track. Only Shumi can reveal the truth about 'why'.
Concealed risks are the issues and challenges faced by teams that people find it difficult to speak up about. They may be unable or unwilling because of the normal pressures that come with working with other people in a team.
Shumi enables teams to flag, fix and learn from concealed risks in a way that doesn't make people feel weird or uncomfortable. As a result, teams have better quality conversations and resolve risks in their projects sooner, before they pay the price of delays and mistakes.
Find out more at or give our friendly team a call on 0330 127 1360.

March 1, 2021

Leveraging Workplace Personality Dynamics & The Essence of Business Value

What can personality and meeting analytics tell us about how to work more effectively? And how can organizations design systems to drive dispersed employees towards meaningful goals?