Jason Radisson

Jason Radisson Profile Photo

Founder and CEO of Shift One

Jason learned startup skills early in life. He was born to a 16-year old single mom, and worked blue-collar jobs from short order cook to HVAC technician to fund school and climb out of poverty. From that inauspicious start, he went on to Harvard, a Fulbright Scholarship, and McKinsey & Company.

Since becoming an entrepreneur, Jason has worked with more than a dozen first tier VCs, firms like Softbank, Accel, DST, Andreessen Horowitz, Monashees, and Sequoia. Together he and his teams have built and scaled multiple tech unicorns, platforms that today provide work and improved living standards to millions of workers, from Bogota to Boston.

In the early days of Uber he was a launcher and Regional General Manager in the western US. From there, Brazil’s 99-Taxis as Chief Operating Officer, where he grew the business 10x and sold it to Didi for $1B. He is also a member of the Rappi-Mafia, where he was an early investor and helped the Co-Founders build their Operations and Growth teams in the initial expansion across Latin America.

His latest venture is Shift One, where he is Founder & CEO, a platform that is helping solve the global shortage of skilled front line workers, with more than 300,000 users from nurses to solar technicians.

May 3, 2023

Bridging the Gap Between Frontline Work and HR Recruitment | Interview with Jason Radisson, CEO of Movo

In this episode of the Digital Workspace Works podcast, we welcome Jason Radisson, Founder and CEO of Movo , a platform that provides custom tools for the high-volume frontline workforce. With a background in entrepreneurshi…