Garry Lee

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Non-Executive Director, Board Advisor and Founder. I am passionate about helping businesses to grow

As both a NED and executive director, I've helped boards across three broad categories - growth strategies, corporate governance and business improvement. I can help start-up businesses accelerate growth, growth businesses improve working practices, as well as kick start a business that's plateaued, commercially, technically or operationally.
Commercial support - Proven record to turnaround sales & marketing teams, overhaul and review go to market strategies or advising on growth strategies. I work closely with the board to identify the problems and advise on the implementation of any change.
Business improvement - Advised boards on organisational change, technology reviews and people management, including remuneration reviews. Helping businesses at different stages of their development to achieve maturity.
Corporate governance - Both created and joined various committees with responsibility for ensuring risk management, across subjects from data through corporate governance.
25 years in digital & data marketing and technology, I help businesses to grow and their clients to be successful. Passionate about mentoring people to be the best they can be.

I started up a new business, aimed at helping business owners take control of the growth of their business. Marketing is too often neglected because the owner doesn't have the time or they believe marketing is something they cannot do or understand. Both are not true. By helping to demystify marketing and showing ways to be efficient, it really is possible for a business owner to take control and drive growth.

As CEO of RedEye, I led to 5 straight years of growth, transforming the business, both structurally and culturally.

I've been through the entire lifecycle of a business, from start-up through to maturity, been an early adopter and set industry standardisation. I can help businesses whichever stage they are at, to build success for the long term or sell in the short term.

I’ve consulted for some of the largest businesses in the UK, including Skype,, Asda, JD Sports and Sainsbury's. I’m also very accomplished with talking at events, a regular blog writer and published articles on Linkedin and

Feb. 15, 2021

Running Remote Workshops

Garry Lee, Director & Consultant at Thirty Three Percent, shares how his business has adapted to running workshops remotely
Guest: Garry Lee