Asaf Darash

Asaf Darash Profile Photo

Founder and CEO of Regpack

Extensive experience as entrepreneur and investor. Have built 3 successful companies to this day all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Currently CEO for Regpack (

I specialize in product development for the web, in team building and in bringing a company from a concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

My main interests are programming methods, computer languages, system structures and new media. These enable me to build versatile products that focus on creating achievable business models.

Specialties: Extreme programming, programming languages, JavaScript, MongoDB, Team building and Company building.

Aug. 4, 2023

Digital Transformation in Registration and Payments | Interview with Asaf Darash, CEO of Regpack

This week, Ryan chats with Asaf Darash, founder and CEO of Regpack, about how he turned his Ph.D. research into a successful online registration software business that serves more than 6,000 organizations and 25 million user…
Guest: Asaf Darash