Digital Inclusion Episodes

July 12, 2021

How to Build a Brand People Love

Want to stand out in a crowded market? Start with human connection.
July 26, 2021

The Value of Anonymous Employee Feedback for Hybrid Workplaces

From #MeToo to 2021's Great Resignation, failure to listen and respond to employees' concerns has clear social and economic costs.
Aug. 9, 2021

Combating Digital Poverty in the UK #JoiningtheDots

Learn about the growing movement for digital inclusion and how to get involved.
Guest: Freddie Quek
Sept. 20, 2021

Developing Open Source Skills in the UK | OpenUK's Upcoming Kids Camp and Digital Gloves Giveaway

Diving deep on open source technology and education in the UK.
Guest: Amanda Brock
Feb. 1, 2022

#JoiningTheDots Update

This week, Ryan chats with Freddie Quek, CTO at Times Higher Education, about the latest developments in the #joiningthedots initiative to end digital poverty.
Guest: Freddie Quek