Are Distributed Teams Lower Risk?
Are Distributed Teams Lower Risk?
Ryan's new Mac, rethinking business continuity, & new gadgets
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May 10, 2021

Are Distributed Teams Lower Risk?

Ryan's new Mac, rethinking business continuity, & new gadgets

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The Valuu Makers


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Ryan Purvis  0:00  
Hello, and welcome to the digital workspace works podcast. I'm Ryan Purvis, your host supported by producer Heather Bicknell. In this series, you'll hear stories and opinions from experts in the field story from the frontlines, the problems they face and how they solve them. The years they're focused on from technology people and processes to the approaches they took, they will help you to get to the scripts for the digital workspace inner workings.

Heather Bicknell  0:33  
Good, have you been good

Ryan Purvis  0:35  
man, I was your drive to the other side of America and back.

Heather Bicknell  0:39  
You know, it really wasn't awful. It did Ray and pretty much the whole way back, which was that was probably the worst part. But otherwise, nice to drive through some of the country. Some of the states I don't didn't have a desire to drive and again, but you know,

Ryan Purvis  1:00  
what every country has that. There's places you just did, like, why does this even exist? But I suppose it also makes you appreciate what you're what you're seeing elsewhere. You know, good. And your brother's wedding went? Well. Yeah, it

Heather Bicknell  1:18  
was it was nice. It was hot. But it was good. Nice and sunny down. There

Ryan Purvis  1:24  
is nothing wrong with heat. Now. Yeah, I

Heather Bicknell  1:30  
get that all the time. Sure.

Ryan Purvis  1:33  
Well, you know, it's funny, we're obviously in Joburg, still, and it's winter was the start of winter, winter really kicks in June, July. But he started you can definitely feel when you start the morning, that it's cold, you know, sort of 345 degrees. But by 10 o'clock, it's 20 degrees again. So you don't really feel cold. I mean, you feel called the sense of inside the house is cold. But you know, I've wear jersey for about 20 minutes of the day, in the morning until you've warmed up and you just take it off because it's too hard to have it on. So have forgotten what when does it like? Yeah. Versus the UK? Were you always wearing a jacket or a jersey or gloves or something?

Heather Bicknell  2:20  
gonna be hard to go back to the UK and go through one of those winners.

Ryan Purvis  2:25  
Yeah, well, it's funny because we were saying that yesterday that we sort of reached this point that we just adapted to it. And now we're back here and now it's like, yeah, we missed this the way that he was quite good. So, so yeah. Anyway, we'll see we'll cross that bridge. When we get there. There's a lot of people that have flown back from South Africa to here obviously, for different reasons that are staying longer and longer to see what they you know what it's like but with with quarantines, and travel and all that been as complicated as it is. It's almost like a waste rushing back. So, so interesting space at the moment.

Heather Bicknell  3:07  
How's the fiber internet going for you? It's

Ryan Purvis  3:10  
been good. But that's not that's not to be the highlight of my week, the highlight of my week is the MacBook Air that I have.

Heather Bicknell  3:16  
Oh, is that what you're using right now?

Ryan Purvis  3:19  
It is, it is it is awesome. It's so nice to have a machine that works. That's not temperamental. But I've actually I mean, jokes aside, and I say a tiny cheek because I actually turned on my Windows device today to do something in a blue screen within five minutes of turning it on. It is a it is definitely an experience that was better than I thought was going to be we bought the machines on Friday. Though, you know, usual stuff when you when you buy a new machine, you got to set it up and all that kind of stuff. And, and that did take a good part of the day to install the things that I wanted to sort of played with over the weekend. And I was actually excited to do work, because you know, it's all new and all that sort of stuff. But what's really impressed me is the integration with the other components. So so there's apps that I've been using for a long time on my iPad, or my iPhone, that now I have a Mac version. That's you know, now I can see the other features that I haven't been able to use before. So that's really cool. But you can also install apps that you've got on your Mac on your on your iPad, your iPhone onto your Mac, because of the new silicone chip. So there's apps that I couldn't get before that now I can use them and they work really well. But I was you know things like drawing something on your iPad, and then that's been inserted onto your page as you're working on your laptop on your Mac. That's amazing. Because amount of times I'm drawing something and then I've had to sort of do some, you know, work around to get it from one place to another place your analysis, click right click import from my iPad and it puts it right on the document. That's That's amazing. So I've been impressed I have to say, I mean, it's already got eight gigs of RAM, which is half what I have on my Windows machine. But everything runs quickly. including all the office products, even though they're not really written specifically for the in one chip yet. But I've been using all the apple components Funny enough, I stopped using Outlook. I'll be using Apple Mail, and I've been using Apple calendar. And I quite liked that as an experience, because my mail actually sits close most of the time. Because really, the only reason I go into mail is to do calendar entries. Now, that's a separate app completely, which is actually up through that experience. So yeah, it's been a good good couple days, I'm on Wednesday, I've had to use my Windows machine once. And that's only because I couldn't find quickly a sequel, Client Tools equivalent, which is the windows tool. So I could log into SQL Server and run a script for something. So I just did that quickly. But other than that, I haven't touched a Windows device the whole week. And I feel a lot less stressed.

Unknown Speaker  6:04  
That's always a good thing.

Unknown Speaker  6:07  
So I was actually

Heather Bicknell  6:09  
still sorry. Okay, I just wanted to do you, do you think you'll still go ahead and set up a web machine for yourself? So you can access things that way?

Ryan Purvis  6:21  
Yes. So So when that when the host, PC comes through, which I think is going to be coming up soon ish, probably in the summer, or the northern hemisphere summer. That is probably what I'm going to do. But I was joking with one of my Mac friends, he sort of my go to advice, advise on the stuff that I have that I've broken up with Windows finally. So I think I'll only use that web if I really, really, really have to. Or if I want to test it out to see what it's like. But you know, this, this, this sort of ecosystem now, which is what it's always been designed for, I think, you know, iPhone, iPad, and Mac, whether it's desktop or laptop, just works so well together, that I can't see me ever going back at the stage, they have to really screw it up.

Heather Bicknell  7:12  
Yeah, Apple lock in. is super, super nice.

Ryan Purvis  7:17  
Don't forget, don't forget the watch, which should which I'll tell you a funny story about three years ago, four years ago, I had given up on Apple, oh, that's whenever they did. iOS 11, which was so buggy, that nothing worked. And it was very frustrating. And whatever. The only thing that kept me in the apple ecosystem at that point was the watch. Because I used to watch everywhere. And obviously they've improved things has gotten better and stuff. I mean, yes, you can always be something that another vendor does, that's slightly better. For what I've been really impressed with this week, if you've updated to 14.5 on your phone, and the latest version on the on the watch, whatever that one is, you can now open your phone with your face mask on. And that really works well. And the facial recognition works a lot quicker. So I've been very impressed with that as well. And obviously, you know, the laptop itself opens up with the winner watches nearby. So they've definitely got the fingerprint reader Great. So so it's as good as what the phone is. And then the watch opening up as well. So yeah, they've got it all right, which is which is but their own their own their own the components, which I think makes a big difference with Windows is always gonna be dealing with the variables. which is unfortunate. So yeah.

Heather Bicknell  8:46  
Sounds like it should update, update my phone. Get that.

Ryan Purvis  8:53  
Yeah, they put some other privacy stuff in. But I haven't really looked at that too much. You know, the biggest thing for me was the mask thing, because I was really sort of the irritate because every time you go into a store, and you have to so interesting thing is you can use the watch to unlock your phone, but you cannot use the watch to pay for something. So if you're going to tap and you want to do the facial recognition to use the code, that's not going to work. You have to sacrifice dog for that. But usually when you do that there's a cover in front of you. So because you're here if you walk around with your face masks down, someone will come and tell you to put it back on you know because it's law and like I said, which is the right thing to do. But if you know if you've had to pay for something and someone says hey, put your mask back on you're like yeah, the robot to pay for something. They don't you know, it's not common to use your phone here to pay for things yet. It's not coming through. You can of course use your watch as well. But yeah, those those are definitely made my week. That's great. So exciting.

Heather Bicknell  9:47  
new toys are always accepted.

Ryan Purvis  9:50  
Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Heather Bicknell  9:53  
Well, did you want to talk about one of the other topics on our Our list today.

Ryan Purvis  10:01  
Yeah, so that was the one that I was thinking about this morning, which I think about is is disaster recovery plans and business continuity plans? Because, you know, if you look at what's going on in India at the stage, and I forget the numbers, but they're really high of cases per day, I think was 200,000 or 300,000 per day. Would you put that into week? Yeah, that's, that's between 1.4 and 2 million cases a week, it's a billion people. That means within the year everyone will have COVID. Which, which is drastic. Now, the reason why I bring it up is a lot of companies for years, I've used India's outsource company to do stuff. I mean, I was at one of the banks here, we had 1010 12,000. staff in India. Otherwise, we would we had been was also in the 10s, of 1000s. And even hailo, even though it's small, we also have, you know, most of our team protecting our teams in India, thank God. Yeah, they are members outside of that, I mean, that in the sense that, that, you know, we've got some mitigation of risk. And that's what I was thinking about is, in the sort of new world where everyone's gotten used to working remotely, you almost want to force people to be distributed. So you have a hotspot where you say, avoid hotspot problem, because when he would have said three months ago, that India would be a hotspot, you know, they had a vaccine program was running out to look really good, same as America, same as the UK. And then all of a sudden, you know, it's just been while it's gone the other way, I don't know what the nice way to say this. So I was thinking about that. So you know, and, you know, if I look at Apollo's, then we were in business continuity mechanism, which has to be worked from home and be distributed and all that kind of stuff. The what would be your next level on that, because you've almost got to now design a new continuity plan, a new disaster recovery plan that mitigates what you're currently in any risks that you have to that? So that's what I was thinking about this morning.

Heather Bicknell  12:11  
Yeah, I actually experienced I've already felt the effects of this a little bit. So I mean, yeah, not that it's is whatever for me to experience it because I'm, it's terrible to live through. But I, one of the I won't name the vendor, but someone we were working with. I was trying to go through some process to to get something done. And I wasn't hearing back. And normally, this is a vendor who's very, very responsive. So I ended up reaching out to her Rob, who's in the US. And then it turns out that that whole team that I was trying to do something through is in India, and their whole immediate team at least was outside with COVID. So yeah, I mean, it's very, it's very real, and the way that it's impacting organizations right now. And of course, the people. So yeah, I guess what you said what you said about, you know, distribution actually being could potentially lower risk by distributing employees, I haven't feel like I haven't seen a lot of that brought up and sort of the remote or hybrid, or even returned to Office conversations that you know, maybe it is, there are other reasons, besides just employee choice potentially still keep people apart in terms of risk and safety.

Ryan Purvis  13:40  
Yeah, well, I was thinking about it too, you know, a couple years ago, I did a trip with all bunch of guys from the UK to, to the US, Canada to go to a head office. And it was about 12 of us flying. And we even joked about it at the at the airport that they put all 12 of us on the same aircraft and it should have been some policy or some procedure that said the minute there's more than four people traveling that you have to spread them across different flights or with a certain rank or whatever, whatever the whatever the criteria is that it's kind of the same thing here you know, we've spread we're fortunate that a lot of our team is spread by by nature so even in the UK, we've got Gaza Manchester guys in Scotland guys in Bristol Bristol is the other be are the oldest now and then you know myself in in London so you know there's there's already a level of if there's a problem, you know, in theory we're spread apart. And I just think it's something that has to factor in No, nevermind the the other the other angle to this which is you know, when when that person is not available, you know, we do the thing and then some of the security things where you put people away for two weeks on the front block with a call block weeks with a lot of touch For the internal systems for two weeks actually get locked out of a system for two weeks. And it's a good way to see what they're doing and what they're not doing. Because now they're not they, you can uncover either process problems, or you can uncover, we uncovered a thing where a guy was selling laptops. The company was getting the lab, well, you know, he was buying the laptops to the company. And he was selling them on eBay. Because someone else was monitoring his email, while he was away for two weeks, and that's how they found out that he'd been ordered. And they were talking about, you know, hundreds of machines that he bought and sold on eBay. So net profit of 100%. Because, you know, and then, of course, in a big organization, those machines for a while, no notices they're missing, until they do an audit, and they go, Hey, where's this, you know, all these machines gone? But, but that makes the block weak stuff. If you'd lock someone out for two weeks, you'll see what what's missing. We've had cases, you know, in many scenarios where we, like, in either we require customers to upload the data, and that's usually through API or what's manual. But the manual becomes a problem. If that's if that's the only person in the team that does that work. And you don't have a backup plan, then that problem bleeds into you as a customer as a service provider to say, Well, you know, we really need you guys to automate the stuff, use API's and all that kind of stuff. And, and I think that's got to be part of the business continuity planning, though, is to have a not just a standard operating procedure that's written up but also mitigate manual work with automation. RPA, or something like that?

Heather Bicknell  16:45  
Yeah, I mean, that sounds like a very smart, the smart thing to get into. And, yeah, I guess these are all just parts of things that we'll need to double down on and get into, I suppose. I mean, I'm sure a lot of organizations already have already made these plans. I guess I you know, I'm curious how many of the continuity plans are, well, still taking shape?

Ryan Purvis  17:16  
I don't, I don't think people do do it. I mean, if you think about your debut daily job, I mean, you got so much work to do. And then there's a level of I think, because we all know at home, is almost an over work scenario now. Because you could start earlier, you don't have to commute necessarily, unless you're commuting into the office. You know, your boss or your your stakeholders that call on you online earlier and longer. So they're asking you for more stuff. So in that time, where do you write down, you know, what you do every day, so that if you're not available, I mean, I've had it now I've had a staff member, she said, she had a very bad bad case of COVID, she's got a hospital. Fortunately, we're probably 80% aware of what she's been doing, and all the rest of it. But there's always something that we forgotten, or we didn't we weren't aware of. So we missed out on a contract with someone because she was mentioned the relationship and none of us were involved in that relationship. So says those things that you you're like, you know, you rely on that if you're not aware of it, you can't, you can't really rely on it. So I think that's the problem is that we we always think we're going to be available and involved. So we're not writing while we're doing this that okay, this is how I do X, Y, and Zed. If I want to load a URL, let's use an example example. If I want to load an expense claim, this is how you do it. And when I classify something like this, this is what I mean. But I can just set a little. So if I'm not available, and someone else needs to load the expense claim, they know how to load it, and why we select certain categories and make these decisions. Because often that's the stuff that gets lost in in the IP, especially if you decide to leave as well. Go to the sort of handover document that you're supposed to write and do. I know if people even do that anymore.

Heather Bicknell  19:11  
Yeah, I think documenting things in the moment especially the you know, the more critical what you're doing is to the organization, the harder it will be to re skill or just the more I guess. Yeah, unique and just developed over, over over the years that your position is the more that it's important to have like some of those things documented but there I think you're right with the whole overwork thing that there isn't necessarily people don't you know, that's kind of a luxury to do I need to do the thing. And taking the time to document how to do the thing just feels like a weight, you know, just time that people don't have.

Ryan Purvis  19:56  
Yeah, I mean, I remember asking to God Dude, don't even document this video, just record everything you do on this one system. And he obviously forgot that he was recording it because he ended up. He told me it took him six hours to do this thing. But I she watched the video for six hours. And he did and he did like 15 minutes on the system, or the other all these other things that were here the work the work, you have to get done, but I don't think he realized that he made him see he was recording his workflow. And you could see how chaotic his workflow was that it was actually, it wasn't surprising, it took him six hours because from end to end, it took him six hours, but actually it was 15 minutes. But video to me is probably the best way to if it's specific specifically when it's procedural on a system. You know, just record the video with a voiceover Yeah, I'm clicking here, I'm doing this, whatever it is. Because you know, writing a document, people aren't going to read the document, they typically don't they'll be there will be some guys that will do it. But most cases, everyone's on the YouTube culture. So, you know, give me a 15 minute, five minute one minute video clip that I can zoom through and move forwards and backwards on and all that. At least to convey some level of knowledge.

Heather Bicknell  21:11  
Yeah, that's a great point. Because you can still kind of do things well recording it, finds you, you know, name the video something and put it in a place where it can be found again, you'll be alright. I tend to do it when I'm when there's something I'm that I that is like fairly straightforward. And I'm tired of people, you know, I need to get people to stop asking me to do it for them. That's when I will create a video and distribute it like here. You can can try it yourself.

Ryan Purvis  21:46  
Yeah. And I think that's I mean, I don't know where I think I think Marshalls Viva still away at leweb, but away from being released. But I think that's where they're going with stream as an example. I go create your videos, publish them there. If someone asks you a question, just point them at the video. I mean, I like the habit of when we do a run through of a new component we record that run through. So if anybody couldn't make it, you could just say, hey, look, go watch the video. Now, again, there's a choice as to whether the person will do it or not. But it's also helpful when you've made a lot of changes a component to go look back at, you know, what it was before, to what it is now to see progress because sometimes you forget how much you've actually progressed to evolve something. So yeah, I think I think it is a great medium. I think writings are supportive. I don't want to discount that. I think writing out your thoughts for the period. Pick your horse for the race.

Unknown Speaker  22:41  

Ryan Purvis  22:43  
let's let's work through those articles very quickly then. So maybe we just do the Iron Man exosuits and the payment network booths. Sure. So so the pavement work booths i think is a great idea. These were these were in Singapore, I think according to the article, but you know walking through the mall here the other day. And I you know, time difference for me is like one hour now so so it's not too bad. But I've got staff in India that online obviously before my normal working day. And obviously I do I do try to do my shopping in the morning. And I do sometimes get calls while I'm out there and it's so hard to do a call while you walk into a shopping center where you've got people walking past you you've got the music in the background, etc. And I'd happily pay whatever they charging me what I think was $15 an hour or something. Singapore so so call it it's probably about 1010 pounds or over $12 us exchange or so to go sit and do a quick call. You know as I say we'll paddle iPad do some work while you there and then carry on with your day. So I think these things will will definitely pick up pick up in popularity and expect to see them in airports train stations and and the like. As a solution to mobile working.

Heather Bicknell  24:04  
Yeah, they reminded me of photobooth Hmm, I'm assuming those are fairly universal. Yeah, just popping in getting your little your tiny little cue for a while and then moving on. Well, you don't need it anymore. Yeah, it's an interesting concept. I wonder how Yeah, the more like soundproof they can be. I suppose the better depending on how busy

Ryan Purvis  24:33  
well it was one of the things that we work that I quite liked when we were based out of the houses you had these booths in the corner so the only thing is that in we work they were meant to be like a room to pop into have a quick call and then pop out of but some people set themselves up there for the whole day. But the nice thing was you literally had no ventilation is a big thing, and not all those who have a well ventilated pajetta you know, a good light, a comfortable chair You couldn't it wasn't standing options he had to he had to sit. But you could, you know, basically work with one machine for a week for an hour and silence if you wanted on your call. So quite popular. I think that makes sense for, as I say, for being a digital nomad.

Heather Bicknell  25:20  
Yeah, yeah, for that for that for sure. A nice, a nice evolution, I'm sure we'll see more of this kind of stuff I know, you know, way back months and months ago, at the very beginning of the pandemic is really when we were talking a lot about real estate on the podcast and just what was going to happen with Office downsizing and our spaces like we work you know, really the going to succeed in the long run because of this because of closing down offices and people still wanting a place to go. So I don't know if that's where things are at right now currently, but things like this booth solution seen. Similar?

Ryan Purvis  26:13  
Yeah, it's it's a it's a certainly I would think, I mean, my my current boss, he's built himself and look cute cubicle in his in his house to work in. In fact, I saw a video from an Indian supplier without coming builded for you. And as a foldaway booth. So you, you have your computer on a on a computer table, let's say, like a little desk, whatever. And then if you need the privacy basic command, you pull the whole thing out. And then it expands out, you know, let's say, a meter and a half, two meters. And then when it reaches that point, you can flip the doors closed, and then you got to work in space. And then you die, and you can fall back in again. And I think that's brilliant. I think that's exactly what what's what houses with without, without a study? would what would want.

Heather Bicknell  27:08  
Yeah, but then we won't see any of the the dogs or the children reading there anymore. Yeah, family shields. Exactly, exactly.

Ryan Purvis  27:18  
And I mean, I'm lucky, I would have studied to myself, and you got to study yourself. So you need to worry about these things. But there's a lot of people that don't have those things. So they need that. Then the other article was the exoskeleton suit. So this I'd seen actually for live on the TV, and then I've seen it on in this article. And this was going down the route of I think there would have been a construction workers when I looked at your TV, and the work they were doing about lifting things. But I think this is the thing that's inevitable in fatigue, management of fatigue and injuries. So the examples that we're using were people that were lifting heavy boxes, or heavy equipment, whatever, and use an exoskeleton to help them with that. aim of the minds as well. It was about mobility and strength. But they've come quite a long way. And I was quite impressed with the size of the units. They were not these massive like that if you've watched the first Iron Men, where he builds his big suits, and it's in the mind and it's like this big cast iron thing that you hide you walk in, it was a lot closer to his the proper Iron Man suit where, you know, it's really just a slight two centimeter diameter component on the side of the leg that helps with the lifting and they're so quite impressive stuff. And I can't remember they said they were trying it, but I think they were going to roll out with it. It was it was already in prototype stage with a couple projects. Yeah, I

Heather Bicknell  28:54  
feel like I've seen this kind of thing for a little bit now. But obviously, it has a ton of uses. I mean from manufacturing warehouses, really, and a lot of ways to reduce the long term strain, I think of the of those jobs. So very interesting, very expensive technology. So I would imagine.

Ryan Purvis  29:19  
Yeah, I said, I mean, it's called suit x. And I mean, this is this. What do you say Here they are. I know this was the market size. So the market size is expected to rise from $392 million to $6.8 billion by 2030. So that's only nine years away. And you're looking at sure 20 times. I think that's about 2020 times growth. So that's huge. That's what the suit was built by General Motors. And what I quite liked about the sort of examples I gave was not so much, just lifting heavy things, but repetitive stuff. Well, so then had an example of a guy doing study was using metal work he was he was grinding something, then we can only use cars and that sort of stuff. So we were you would you all would take the strain of holding the, the tool, the exoskeleton will help you that might give you a 1020 I think it's a 20% gain, which obviously reduces your fatigue and obviously, that these other two less less wear and tear on the body. Don't give a price an extra $45,000. That's the step the cost pursuit.

Heather Bicknell  30:43  
Now it just reminds me a bit of just with bicycles like ebikes which I now I now see them I've started to see more and more and I think the price with those those really come down, but just that to see at the assistance component. They do bring up Yeah, the recreational potential at the very end of the article with falling prices, potentially opening up that market as well. But yeah, certainly we'll see it more in industry.

Unknown Speaker  31:19  

Heather Bicknell  31:22  
would you wear one?

Ryan Purvis  31:26  
Yeah, I would. I don't have a use case that right now. But if it made sense to I mean, there's nights when I walk with my, with my daughter, you know, bouncing her around to get her to go to sleep and the sort of my back shoulder blade thought to get sore from the weight. I would I would love to have a an exoskeleton there just to take the strain off of my back. So yeah, you know, natural, natural thing. I mean, if you look at athletics and sports, you know, we've obviously focused quite heavily on biomechanics and nutrition, why not have some sort of Cyborg exoskeleton you know, category if you like, you already had the Paralympics. But what happens if when when you like exoskeletons that make a good athlete, good athlete, that's, that's fully able a great athlete, because now they are enhanced, or a disabled athlete that's like, remember, Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius? You know, he didn't have two legs, and they put on the blades. And he competed in the full body Olympics. So why not give a person like him, and we'll forget about his criminal and other stuff. But why not give him proper legs that are that are enhanced cyberflix. You know, this is obviously in the future, where they are set up to be an extension of his true performance. And let him compete that way. I'd love to see stuff like that, I think is a natural thing. And if you wanna get into my conspiracy, or my verify out there stuff, I think the only way we're going to really colonize space is if we have a mechanical body to put to stand up to radiation and all the other perils of space. Okay, may not be in my lifetime, but but I just think the human body is is a machine that's, that's good, it's got some weaknesses. that needs to be addressed. And that's just a natural evolution. I wish to myself I clearly

Heather Bicknell  33:42  
Yeah, you think about that stress coming back with you know, there's always you know, muscle weaknesses, and, like, even even doing the exercises they need to do in space. It's always an adjustment period coming back. So I think more of the exoskeleton stuff makes sense. I'm interested to see like, how some of this stuff gets broken up into more components, like, you know, will we see some sort of like arm or wrist thing for people with carpal tunnel or there's a lot of like, yeah, chronic overuse cases. There's really popular injuries that you know, there's there's ways to mitigate it now or get around it but this kind of thing could be very useful for

Ryan Purvis  34:36  
you've seen it I'm sure the videos of the remote surgeries that are happening where a surgeon be in one place, and they'll use connectivity, I think, I think was the 5g example was the one that I've seen recently, but they could do research remotely using a mechanized robotic arm to to do the surgery itself. Why not have something like that? I think it was, it was another movie, what's it called? It was called special effects. It's an old movie, it's probably the 80s or 90s, where the guy was a special effects artist and he had a puppet that was the was a clown for a very similar to it the clown that he would wear suits with the the, with all the sensors and stuff. And whatever he did, the clown would do. And I can see it going down that route where and this is back to the sci fi stuff where if you got a radiation issue where human conduct should survive in those conditions, but you could put a machine through that. You could have the human walk the machine in, go to the components, they need to do something do though do the repair or whatever it is. And then throw the machine away. But gem throw the loss away so I can see stuff like that happening in the in the future.

Heather Bicknell  35:54  
Like avatar,

Ryan Purvis  35:56  
avatar or if you remember any of the Star Trek movies which you probably haven't watched is there's this couple scenes where cooked eyes for for the better the crew or Spock dice better the crew and that could have been actually a robot going to do it. You kind of watch the movies going there in the future. Why don't you have a you know, robot for that? The newest Star Trek they've all done a better job of that having those things around. make more sense. But that's the point of education.

Unknown Speaker  36:28  
Yeah, I do need to get Star Trek educated stuff. I'm so I'm just I'm waiting for the dune movie. So

Heather Bicknell  36:35  
that's later this year. Now again, I think

Ryan Purvis  36:39  
okay, I wonder what happened to that.

Heather Bicknell  36:42  
Yeah, I think they're doing a theatrical release. So I think they're doing it in the fall.

Ryan Purvis  36:47  
Okay. Yeah. Okay. Cool. I think you need to run up or need to run as well to an end up there, or do you need to run carry on?

Heather Bicknell  36:58  
No, we're good to tie it up. I don't think anything else have any interest on that, but it's like it's a cool topic.

Ryan Purvis  37:06  
Super. Thank you for listening. Today's episode. Hey, the big news app producer, editor. Thank you, Heather. for your hard work for this episode. Please subscribe to the series and rate us on iTunes or the Google Play Store. Follow us on Twitter at the DW w podcast. The show notes and transcripts will be available on the website WWW dot digital workspace that works. Please also visit our website www dot digital workspace that works and subscribe to our newsletter. And lastly, if you found this episode useful, please share with your friends or colleagues.

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